This Movie Will Change Your life. I Am Speechless

This Movie Will Change Your life. I Am Speechless

This Movie Will Change Your life. I Am Speechless ᴴᴰ

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I came across this movie and I was so moved and touched by it.

All Credit goes to the original owner:…

Tim Tebow Shares Incredible Story of John 3:16

Tim Tebow Shares Incredible Story of John 3:16


Tim Tebow

John 3:16 may be the best-known verse in the Bible, but it’s also the subject of an amazing story told by Heisman Trophy winner and professional athlete Tim Tebow.

A portion of the proceeds made from this video will go to benefit the Tim Tebow Foundation. To donate and find out more information visit:

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We Are From the Future

We Are From the Future

By Garret John

“Greetings. We are from the future. Everything is going to be alright. The future is a beautiful place. But you will need some training in order to get there…”

Words, Voice & Editing by Garret John LoPorto
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Music: “Time” by Hans Zimmer
Hans Zimmer feat. Satellite Empire – Time (The Machinist Remix)

“Quantum mechanics explains efficiency of photosynthesis”
“Energy transfer in light-harvesting macromolecules is assisted by specific vibrational motions of the chromophores,” said Alexandra Olaya-Castro (UCL Physics & Astronomy), supervisor and co-author of the research. “We found that the properties of some of the chromophore vibrations that assist energy transfer during photosynthesis can never be described with classical laws, and moreover, this non-classical behaviour enhances the efficiency of the energy transfer.”
“The negative values in these probability distributions are a manifestation of a truly quantum feature, that is, the coherent exchange of a single quantum of energy,” explained Edward O’Reilly (UCL Physics & Astronomy), first author of the study. “When this happens electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom are jointly and transiently in a superposition of quantum states, a feature that can never be predicted with classical physics.”

Text from video:
“Greetings… We are from the future. Everything is going to be alright. The future is a beautiful place … But you will need some training in order to inhabit it.

In the future – technology evolves faster than any human mind can think. When the singularity occurred. We became like gods – able to create entire worlds in the blink of an eye.

Every thought had drastic immediate impact. All of our dreams became a reality – but so did our nightmares. The future became a battle of ideas. We had to learn to direct our minds – to prevent dark psychological forces – from destroying all of us. Now with every new world we create, we summon the sacred imperative of mind… “Let there be Light.”

“How can we be from the future?” you might ask. Let us explain. Plants harvest light with near perfect efficiency. You may not realize it, but this is impossible under classical physics. Along the way to the photosynthesizing core – photons of light should collide with other particles, but they don’t. A photon succeeding in reaching the core is as likely – as you sprinting blindfolded through a dense forest – reaching the center without striking a single tree.

Plants are engaged in a kind of miracle. The plant puts the photon into a state of quantum superposition, multiplying it by every route that photon could possibly take. Imagine – blindly sprinting through a forest – being multiplied into every one of the billions of possible paths. If any one of your possibilities were observed hitting a tree, the superposition would collapse – and that would be your final outcome, but the plant patiently refuses to observe any of these casualties – while at it’s heart it sings…”Let there be light.”

When any of the possibilities finally reaches the core without fail, only that winner is observed. All the other possibilities disappear. The winner is transmitted back through time – from the future – and becomes the only possibility that ever existed. This is how photons reach the plant’s core with impossible precision. This is how you – and every organism in existence – overcame the massive improbabilities of life. — This is how we are from the future. This is how you will become the light of the world … as we invoke the sacred imperative together … “Let there be light.”

Follow the maker of the final remix music on the following sites:
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The Future is Ours:

Honda “Asimo” –
“Experience Human Flight” by InfinityList –
“Lost in Tokyo” by Mark Bramley –
“29 year old hearing for the first time” –
Stephen Hawking
“Dublin’s People” by Phillip Bloom –

Aurora in HD:

Forest is Future –
Sky Lantern Festival –

Elijah List: Angel Armies Being Deployed Over North America

July 4, 2018

Elijah List: Angel Armies Being Deployed Over North America
“Angel Armies Being Deployed Over North America”

By Bob Blasé, Portland, OR

Caught Away in an Angelic Encounter

A massive deployment of angel armies has occurred over North America! I saw this in a recent encounter…and it happened like this:

Recently one morning, as I was studying the Word and praying, an angel descended in the spirit and presented himself to me. When he landed I recognized him as an angel I knew very well, and I knew he was there to give instruction and show what God is releasing right now over North America.

I was taken to a platform in the heavenlies, and the surroundings looked like Earth’s atmosphere. I knew we were in the Earth’s stratosphere, where I saw so many angel armies staged as they awaited their assignments. Angels would come and land on the platform, sometimes as many as three to five at a time would come. I knew these were commanders of armies and their senior officers. They would speak and then they would leave; they seemed to be in troop-deployment operations.

I watched as they left the platform and went back to rejoin with their armies. Then in a flash and a streak of light, that army would move out and be gone! This scenario repeated over and over again for what seemed like many hours. I knew there were many, many millions of angels involved.

Your Prayers Are Being Heard and Are Important!

I came away from this encounter and vision with a few clear impressions. I understood that these angel armies were being released over North America from one end of the country to the other. I could feel that the atmosphere we were in was saturated with the intercessory prayers of God’s people, combining with the cries of the lost, calling out in their hearts for God. The cries were somehow blended together relationally, like a living and moving melody and harmony.

I believe these angel operations I saw are a direct response from God at this time to these two types of cries. I could also tell that the angels were well aware of these cries in the atmosphere. There was a great seriousness about these deployments and assignments, and a few Scriptures were highlighted:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” (Matt 5:3-8)

“…if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chron.7:14)

“The Eternal listens to the prayers of the poor and has regard for His people held in bondage.” (Ps. 69:33, The Voice)

Angelic Declaration of Kairos and Chronos

Later after I returned from the vision, I remembered the angel had spoken these words to me:

“God is causing His Kingdom to ascend upon the Earth. The world is being shaken as the Kingdom approaches. Light disturbs, displaces, and dispels darkness.”

God is adding layer after layer of His Kingdom influence and His presence. It is just as Jesus taught us to pray: “Your Kingdom come. Your will be done, on Earth, as it is in Heaven.”

Let’s pray and and declare that this massive deployment of angel armies is occurring over North America and the cries of His people are being answered!

Source: Elijah List

Terra Zetzz

Ascension Time – Energy Update: Cosmic Recalibration, You Are Not Alone!

by Morag

“The consensus on the cosmic cyber street is this wave is a doozie. Intense shaking, sudden overwhelming need to sleep, low energy, aches and pains, blurry vision and disturbed sleep (waking up at 2.22, 3.33, 1.23) are common symptoms of DNA upgrades, recalibration, see ’10 Signs you are experiencing recalibration of your mind body soul system’ for more info.

Deeply buried emotions bubbling to the surface, triggered for karmic release, can overwhelm us. Our relationships go through great changes as we raise our frequencies. Masks come off as our third eye is activated and we see people for who they truly are. This can be a very upsetting and challenging part of the awakening process. We can feel intensely frustrated by 3d conversations, increasingly preferring solitude. Before we were concerned with social lives, friendship groups, family expectation and cultural convention, matrix programming of what the ‘perfect life’ should look like. Awakening changes all of this, it expands our consciousness, mutes the ego and liberates us from the limited rules and regulations of this reality. We turn inward instead of obsessing about our outward lives. We stop caring about what others say about us, we grow beyond convention and see a bigger world.

Integrating upgrades whilst trying to stay on top of our everyday lives, can cause us to feel irritable, tearful and off kilter. We can feel lonely and disconnected, let down by people we thought cared more about us, depressed by the state of the world and worn down by the daily demands of the matrix. As we struggle to integrate higher frequencies and raise our own vibration to accommodate further recalibration we reach out, looking for other awakening people. The internet is our friend when we wake up, it is where we find information and other people on this path to higher dimensions.

Gregg Prescott’s In5d on fb, web and YouTube is a brilliant source of knowledge about this transformation on Gaia. Michelle Walling’s website and internet radio show offers tons of information on how to exit the matrix, what is happening now and what is coming next. Sacred Scribes is the best site on the web for the meanings of number sequences. Higher Self on YouTube is the go to place for all things metaphysical, multi dimensional and magical about the evolution of our planet and her people. Cosmicgypsy333 will answer all your questions on soul tribe. International Starseed Network has chat forums, discussion pages and more. ”


Strange photo of my garden the light play is seen clearly when I view this later indoors

Photo Taken by Eve – Effects by GOD

Visit my blog on Angel4Light to view more spectacular visions of our Metrix melt down. These were taken on Chemtrail free days. could this be one of the reasons for the heavy spraying?


Mike Quinsey: Channeling his Higher And Kryon

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 29 June 2018

By Paul Backes

At one level there is some excitement, as the indications seem to suggest that matters regarding revaluation of the currencies have advanced and are almost ready to be released.

However, it should be noted that completion of the transactions is not in itself necessarily the green light to go ahead. It is such an important step to take that the decision will be made by those who have a complete picture as to the likely outcome.

However, the outcome is assured and absolutely nothing will prevent the many changes that are going to lift humanity up. Keep focussed upon a successful outcome and you will be helping it come sooner than later.

Planet Earth is heading for a new area of Space where the vibrations are higher. You will know by now that such a change is to your advantage, but until you are in them you cannot really appreciate how it is.

Notably, the souls of a lower vibration will eventually have to follow a separate path to continue their chosen way of life. It is freewill operating at its best, where no pressure is put upon those souls who like every other one have laid out their appropriate path.

As you undoubtedly know, you cannot in any event stay in a vibration that is higher than yours. Evolution is nevertheless still taking place even if it is at a slower rate, and that is mainly because lessons have to be learnt time and time again.

The changes in vibration are beginning to have an effect already, and you may have noticed that there are more humans now than previously that are well over 6 feet tall, of a slim build and are not an exception. As the years pass by there will gradually be more and more, and eventually it will be the normal. In your recent history there have been various groups of humans of all heights, even incredibly tall and well over 7 feet tall or more.

Some of it relates to earlier periods when there were still experiments taking place to find the ideal human form. In the recent past there were also suggested alien forms such as the “long skull” Beings. Homo sapiens are the finished form and are now appropriate for all the different Races, and has proved extremely successful.

Much in the way of new inventions is lined up ready for an appropriate time when they can be safely introduced. Whether you take to all of them is your freewill choice, but where it is felt necessary more emphasis is put on those things that you will need. The harsh living conditions and shortages of the necessities of life are soon to be overcome, and you will truly come to know what living in the New Age means.

The plans for your future upliftment have already been made, and much advice and useful ideas for desirable changes are waiting for you to settle down after many lives of constant upheaval. You have come out of the tunnel of darkness into the Light, so think and act positively and help bring the new way of life into being. The past is no longer able to affect your future, make of it all that is positive and it will help Mother Earth who is also lifting up.

Your individual history upon Earth is likely to go back thousands of years, so when you look around you realise that many of you are old souls. The fact that few of you remember previous lives gives you the impression that you do not have a history of re-incarnating upon the Earth.

Some ask “why” and the answer is so that you can apply yourself to the challenges of that particular life. Otherwise you would undoubtedly become distracted and be unable to devote yourself entirely to the tasks at hand.

See others as exactly like you regardless of the life style they have chosen for this time around. They are your equals and only different in respect of how far they have travelled along their chosen path.

All souls have an inborn instinct to evolve and subconsciously look for the pathway home. However, as you are only aware through a limited consciousness you do not know exactly what it is you seek.

The truth is no secret and even so some will doubt the truth, that you are motivated to return to the Light and all that means. The energy of Love in the Godhead is so overpowering yet so desirable and unforgettable, that souls at that level are living in perpetual ecstasy.

Words are inadequate to describe such bliss that is timeless. It must seem strange to you and almost unbelievable, yet you have most likely been told of your journeys to and from the Godhead. The story is that God sent out all souls to experience and that at a certain stage calls them all back so that the Godhead can continue growing through them.


In future generations there will be no illness. You can change the very core of who you are – you are a child of God, walk proud that you are not diseased, you are in control. You can create your own reality. When the body is balanced you do not have to repeat affirmations. The old soul and the new energy is the graduate of Earth, they know what they are doing. Wise beyond the lifetimes noticeable by others and that is why it is going to take generations to develop an Earth that will never go to war.

We have the inventions starting to be given that will void physics, and the problems and all of the things that keep you from doing this or that. It is all there, knowledge will be yours and disease will be gone. It is a Utopia, but it will not be a perfect Earth. Understand how the life process works getting to a point where you understand how to create electricity by the heat of the Earth that lays right beneath you, the crust of the Earth and it is free.

You are eternal and when you are done with life you are coming right back in a way that is new and different and pristine with awareness of what not to do, with a better life than you can imagine.


There is no doubt that the future is being mapped out for us, as we take advantage of the new vibrations that are rising up, and will continue to do so until we are way beyond our present level. It means that we will progressively find it possible to create through our power of thought more quickly, until a time will be reached when it becomes instantaneous.

Some souls have experienced “spontaneous healing” including the writer but that is not quite the same thing. It is necessary to start controlling your thoughts as those that are negative are equally powerful.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

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The Divine Mother’s Mandate

Build what is divinely beautiful. I give you my divine authority to do so. I will guide you. I will help you. But I entrust this to you as well. …

We are helping you. That gateway is open and you are being flooded and you are being assisted and you will be assisted every step of the way.

– “Transcript ~ The Divine Mother: Take Up Your Divine Authority, AHWAA, February 23, 2017,” February 28, 2017.

On the Divine Plan for Ascension.

Archangel Michael: Peace on Earth is the Promise

Global Meditations for Peace

Council of Love Sunday Night Peace Meditation, 9:00-9:15,

Jared Rand’s Global Meditation, every day at 3:00 PM EST at

Sandra Walter, Global Unity Meditations focused on Peace and amplifying Primary Timelines.
Sunday June 3, 10, 17,

Mark Taylor