Timeline Split and the August Eclipse Gateway: Sandra Walter

Timeline Split and the August Eclipse Gateway: Sandra Walter



Ascension Path with Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloveds ~ This is a complex topic of conversation, be responsible and read the supportive articles. The intention is to reach Lightworkers who connect via youtube. More & more Wayshowers are confirming the intel received in December 2016 about a timeline split, and it is wonderful. Let us unify to reveal the New Earth experience for all concerned.

Weeklyarticles about these unfoldments and upcoming Gateways at http://www.sandrawalter.com

Intel Links below.

Join us every SUNday for the Unity meditations:


Light Intel articles:


Eclipse maps by Nasa https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/

and Fred Espenak


Ascension Path online class:


In Love, Light and Service, Sandra

Light-encoded vocals by Sandra.

Patricia Cota-Robles: A Call To Action

(Note from Angel4Light: Please read these beautiful words as these are not available in a video. The video above is one you need to listen to… Namaste)

by Patricia Cota-Robles

Your I AM Presence has magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness because of who you are and why you are on Earth during this auspicious time. The information that is being shared with you today from the Company of Heaven is something you are very aware of on a higher level of consciousness, but that you may not have been able to remember in this dense physical plane. The Divine Intent of this sharing is to remind you that the time for you to fulfill your purpose and reason for being on Earth is NOW.

What is occurring in the Government of the United States of America and the Governments throughout the World during this Cosmic Moment is a greatly intensified purging that is pushing Humanity’s miscreations to the surface in a way that cannot be ignored. This is occurring in this uncomfortable way in order to motivate you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity into action. This is a critical step in clearing the way for the global events that will take place during the August Eclipse series. The Beings of Light want all of us to know this Truth, because they are very aware of how difficult the challenges are that Humanity is facing on a daily basis.

We all knew it was going to be like this when we volunteered to embody on Earth during this unparalleled time. We agreed to come in spite of how daunting it might be because we knew we had all of the skill, knowledge, strength, courage and willingness necessary to succeed in this monumental mission. As a word of encouragement, we are being reminded that for every person who was granted permission to embody on Earth at this time there were thousands more who were turned away. That is not because we are better or more Enlightened than anyone else. It is because our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven felt that because of our past life experiences we had a better chance of Awakening and staying focused on the Light in face of the adversity we were destined to encounter.

When we observe what is taking place in the outer world it is obvious that something big, but very confusing, is happening. There are two statements in the Bible that describe what we are experiencing, one is, “This is the time of screaming and the gnashing of teeth”, and the other is, “All that is hidden must now be revealed”.

The reason this is referred to as “The time of screaming and the gnashing of teeth”, is because when we look at the outer world we can easily see the horrific negativity being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light, which creates the illusion that things are getting worse. But what we cannot see as easily is the incredible Light of God that is pushing those negative things to the surface.

The second statement, “All that is hidden must now be revealed”, is also the result of God’s Light pushing everything to the surface. This statement involves not only pushing to the surface the greed, corruption and abuse of power that has been manipulating Humanity at a clandestine level since our fall from Grace, it also involves revealing the profound Truth of who we are as Sons and Daughters of God. This influx of God’s Light is helping our I AM Presence push to the surface of our conscious mind the memory of why we are on Earth during this particular time. It is also revealing what we have volunteered to do to assist this planet and ALL her Life to Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth. Earth’s Ascension will victoriously fulfill the next phase of our evolutionary journey back to the Heart of our Father-Mother God.

Your I AM Presence wants you to know that you have been preparing for lifetimes for this moment on Planet Earth. That is true in spite of how overwhelmed, or how hopeless, or how inadequate or powerless you may feel due to the things you are witnessing and experiencing. Those thoughts and fear-based emotions are just residual memories from your human ego that are recorded in your Etheric Body. You are powerful beyond your knowing, and your I AM Presence is standing in readiness, awaiting the opportunity to reveal to you your facet of this unprecedented Divine Plan.

Your I AM Presence is the ONLY one who can accurately reveal to you what your purpose is and what you have volunteered to accomplish in this lifetime. So center yourself every day, and ask your I AM Presence to guide you unerringly to fulfill your highest Divine Potential with every thought, feeling, word and action you express. Then, pay attention.

Nothing in your life is happening by accident. Every single thing that enters your sphere of awareness is part of your Divine Plan. Be consciously aware that every moment, of every day, with every breath you take, you are being given the opportunity to fulfill your PURPOSE and REASON for BEING on Earth by adding to the Light of the World. Your I AM Presence knows exactly how to do this, so be open and receptive to that intuitive inner guidance moment to moment.

The Company of Heaven is asking ALL of us to do our very best to not get emotionally caught up in the horrific things that we are witnessing in the outer world. By staying focused on our I AM Presence and giving this aspect of our own Divinity dominion of our thoughts and feelings, we can absolutely be “IN THE WORLD, BUT NOT OF IT”, From this level of Divine Consciousness, we can invoke the Light of God in monumentally powerful ways.

The Company of Heaven is asking for our assistance in transmuting the negativity that is surfacing now. As you know, because of our free will in order for something to manifest in the physical plane the call for assistance must be made by someone abiding in the physical plane. So listen to your heart and if you resonate with this important facet of Earth’s unfolding Divine Plan please utilize this invocation that Saint Germain has given to us at this time. We are all being asked to invoke the Violet Flame as often as our I AM Presence guides us to. Thank you for your willingness to add to the Light of the World in this powerful way.


I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with my Father-Mother God and the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I invoke the most intensified frequencies of the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection that Cosmic Law will allow.

Saint Germain and your Legions of Violet Fire Angels, I ask that you blaze this Violet Flame with the power and might of a thousand Suns in, through, and around every person, place, condition and thing associated with the Government of the United States of America and every Government around the World. Transmute back into Light every thought, feeling, word, action, memory and belief that any person associated with the Governments of the World has ever expressed in any time frame or dimension that is less than the perfection of Divine Government. Fill the heart and mind of each person with the sacred knowledge that Divine Government is a government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence, FOR the I AM Presence. It is a government based in Divine Love, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.

I accept and KNOW that the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection is increasing daily and hourly, moment by moment, with every Breath I take.

And so it is! Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.

August Events

If you would like more information about the events that will take place during the August Eclipse series please click on the link below and go to our website.

Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization


FAX: 520-751-2981,
Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose,
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2017 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Marilyn Raffaele: Arcturian Group Message

Arcturian Group Message

By Marilyn Raffaele

July 23, 2017

Greetings, again we come to give support and love as we witness the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual struggles of so many at this time. Energies flowing to earth have become increasingly intense, causing issues normally not problematic to seem much larger and important. You are becoming more sensitive to energy and thus experiencing more of it in ways that would previously have gone unnoticed.

As consciousness becomes Lighter, more refined, and open to the higher frequencies, individual psychic abilities are gradually opening as well, allowing easier accessibility to Light beings, Guides , and even loved ones on the other side. It is simply that new and higher levels of consciousness resonate more closely with the frequencies of the higher dimensions.

Many believe that those with psychic abilities that allow them to tune into the other side are different or special. No dear ones, everyone has these abilities because all are spiritual beings, but some are more aware of it than others.

Some have chosen to shut down their psychic abilities out of fear, having been burned at the stake for using them in some other lifetime. Others do not believe they are real, thus perfectly manifesting their absence. Some choose to block them in order to fully concentrate on certain life lessons chosen for completion in this lifetime while others are simply not evolved enough to responsibly handle these gifts and their Higher Self has temporarily blocked them.

Many do not realize that Consciousness, which is all that exists, (ONE) is energy. The denser and more un-awakened the state of individual consciousness, the deeper, slower, and heavier are the its frequencies (absence of Light). In reality, everyone is pure consciousness but because of the density of third dimensional energy, souls must manifest as physical on earth.

Everyone can easily sense dense energy, but most do not understand what they are feeling. Physical locations where war, struggle, pain, and suffering have taken place will often continue to hold the energy of these events until cleared. Clearing is being done the world over those with pure intent and the ability to clear and bring in Light energy.

Clearings also take place through natural events like fire. Many Civil and Indian war sites have been cleared through fire. Do not forget that Gaia is a living soul who is also evolving. She is not a simply a piece of dirt to be used for mankind’s benefit.

As individuals spiritually evolve, their energy field becomes lighter and lighter because the essence of Divine Consciousness is pure Light. Individual energy fields are easily seen and felt by those sensitive to energy or with the ability to see auras. This is why you may be drawn to or repelled by certain individuals even if you do not actually see their energy field.

Everyone senses the resonance of others because there is only one which brings about either alignment or non-alignment with the whatever energy is present be it a person or place. This is why you may feel the need to avoid certain places, events, or people–you simply feel out of sync with the predominant energy. Honor that. On the other hand, it is also energy alignment that draws together people, places, and events be they positive or negative.

Evolution is the slow and often painful journey through lifetimes of experiences necessary for a soul to finally awaken from the illusions of sense into that enlightened state of awareness that has always been fully present but which has been hidden behind false concepts and beliefs.

Every new truth attained (not just intellectually known) expands one’s energy field causing it to grow brighter and lighter and allowing him to more easily acess spiritually evolved ideas, beliefs, and people of the same resonance. This is the Law of Attraction.

You may question why there are those who have psychic abilities who do not appear to be spiritually evolved. Their psychic readings and predictions often reflect the third dimensional belief system and are filled with doom and gloom. Many of these people developed and carry in cellular memory psychic abilities attained in previous lifetimes often through techniques for the manipulation of energy and the accessing of other dimensions.

Teachings about energy manipulation were a large part of the mystery schools and were intended to aid the student toward enlightenment. However, there were a few not yet ready or evolved enough to use the techniques honorably. Some broke away and began to use what they had learned for selfish gain which was the origin of what is termed the black arts. Unenlightened energy is seen and felt as dense, dark, and heavy.

There are still those today who seek to use the manipulation of energy for personal gain. Pure energy is neither good nor bad, but just is. However, it can be and is used for both in accord with the state of consciousness and intention of the user. Healing modalities are based in the ability of a healer to flow Higher Light energy and bring into balance discordant energy.

Healings will remain as long as the patient stays in alignment with the new frequencies. It often happens that individuals simply return to their old ways (those that brought about discord in the first place), allowing the situation to return. For these, at some point energy healing will cease to help for they must learn to do their own work.

Energy manipulated for selfish purposes, appears dense and heavy because of the absence of Light. When used for healing, it appears as crystalline colors or gold Light. This is why there are so many tales told about sorcery, energy manipulation, and negative witchcraft as well as white wizards and powerful healers. These stories tap into collective cellular memory and are not simply imaginary.

It is important to know that not everyone who is psychic but holds no interest in spirituality was a negative manipulator of energy. Many seriously studied and learned in the mystery schools and used the information as intended. The teachings of the ancient mystery schools (there are still some on earth today) were presented mostly from levels of duality and separation because that was the predominant consciousness of those times.

Today many who are psychically gifted, especially those in all the healing arts and self improvement modalities, worked in the Sacred Healing Temples of long ago and still carry these abilities in the energy of cellular memory.

As you spiritually evolve, your ability to access heretofore unavailable frequencies increases because your personal resonance is now able align with them. You may start to see people and animals who have passed on. Many of you are doing this now. This usually happens in the sleep/wake state when you are not yet fully awake.

There is no reason to fear these experiences. Know that those who come to you may be confused and do not know where they are, or even that they have died. They are attracted to your light. You can explain to them that they need to go to the light where help and guidance awaits

Many of these dear ones who linger have been thoroughly ingrained with beliefs of hell and damnation and as a result are terrified to move out of earth energy. Request that Guides or relatives come to assist them into the Light. If after some time they refuse to leave you can simply tell them to go.

Never be afraid of these experiences. Too many stories based in the ignorance of duality and separation have been passed down through lifetimes and are still a part of many religious teachings. This false programming has caused many to be afraid, believing that anything “psychic” is evil and therefore must be feared and rejected. In reality the “other side” is everyone’s true home and thus much more real than earth experiences.

It is unwise to open yourselves to the other side without thought through games, drugs, or ceremony. There are un-evolved beings who would love to communicate with you if you allow it. Do not ever fear connecting with your Guides and teachers but state an intention to be open only to Beings of Light before you practice channeling or connecting. This intention needs to be done only once.

If or when you go into fear with regard to experiences of the psychic kind, immediately bring to mind who you really are–not a human being subject to any and all beliefs of duality and separation but rather an expression of God in manifestation. This acknowledges that there is nothing absolutely nothing real that could ever separate or make you less than the Divine expression that you are. As you center and align with this higher awareness, you automatically shift into a higher consciousness, one that fear and lower resonating energies cannot enter.

All fear is arises from the belief that something or someone has seeming power over you. Fear cannot exist in a state of consciousness that knows no power but God–the God of your own Selfhood. Negative appearances can only exist where there is an energy of belief in them to form them.

This is not to say you will never again have a fearful thought, experience, or witness fearful three dimensional situations, but as you grow more and more into a consciousness of truth, they become further and further apart, no longer having energy to feed them.

Most of you have already begun to notice more synchronicity in your lives. Things are beginning to fall into place without effort, and solutions seem to appear when needed. This is because you are beginning to identify as Self instead of self and understanding that the real Self is complete and whole now, not at some future time. An attained consciousness of wholeness and completeness expresses outwardly in seemingly ordinary ways.

You are creators but have not known it and so have looked to a God in the sky or human solutions to fix what you yourselves have created. Use every experience to examine your belief system, and never doubt that peace, harmony, unconditional love is your birthright.

The whole journey is about ceasing to seek these things in the outer world and instead remembering that they are already fully present within and then allowing them flow out as your every experience.

We are the Arcturian Group

Via Onenessofall.com

Letting In Love: Message With Metatron

SoulFullHeart Experience

By Jelelle Awen


Let In love. Let it into the places that are needy, that have felt almost greedy and TOO hungry in their need for it.

Let In love…creating a loving place inside for the parts of you that have been too afraid, peeking behind doors and hiding in the shadows, to come out and receive.

Let in love. You’ve given SO MUCH to others. When is it your chance and your turn to receive? What else can you give when you truthfully feel empty inside at times?

Let in love. You deserve it……even as you’ve received so many messages that offer that you don’t and that you are wrong or off or not enough or not worthy.

Let in love. As you and TO you and from you…this is the source of love that can never leave, never go, never abandon, never shut off. YOU are the Infinite…

View original post 292 more words

The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council: Your Light & Sunlight

Friday, June 30, 2017

The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council: Your Light & Sunlight

Your Light & Sunlight ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

There has been a shift in the energy that you experience coming from your sun. You have made it to this point because of your willingness to go within yourselves and experience the light that is within you. As the light that is within you increases in intensity and magnitude, the light from the sun matches it. As you bring yourselves to a higher frequency state by focusing on the love that is within you, your sun is able to show you more of its love.

And your sun is also one of many beings that is helping you to reach higher frequency states through the energy that the sun sends. Now, how you experience this is going to be up to you. It can be very challenging for you to absorb all of the light, the love and the energy that is coming down from the sun. You can see it as a call to match that light and love by continuing to increase your own vibration, by continuing to come from your hearts and offering love and service to the collective.

Now, you also want to be very gentle with yourselves on the physical level during the time in which you feel this absorption is taking place. You certainly want to be as hydrated as you can possibly be, and that means drinking plenty of water and eating lots of fruit and vegetables. It also means allowing yourselves to take a nap, to rest, to do nothing, and certainly making time in your lives for meditation.

When you meditate, you naturally calibrate yourselves to the energies around you. It is effortless. It is something that you do without knowing that you’re doing it or how you’re doing it. The increased love and light coming down from the sun is ultimately going to result in creating a less dense physical experience for you.

Your light bodies are getting activated and so is the environment around you. The trees, the plants, the grass, the flowers, and even the rocks and dirt are getting their upgrades as well. They are becoming less dense, and they are helping you by helping to form a grid of energy around the Earth that is supportive of your journey. And of course, the animals are also helping in every possible way.

All of this is a very good sign for humanity, as your collective evolution takes yet another step forward.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Source: Daniel Scranton

Terra Zetzz